Frame was completed in two steps: first, perimeter walls and table framing were done. Just remember to build this frame 1/2" shorter/smaller on all your openings, because beckerboard+adhesive+slate will equal about this much. Second (after doors from Weber arrived) doors' openings were framed (again, remember about 1/2" smaller than you'll need). When working on top side framing, think about grade: where do you want rain water go? Logically, you would like water to run out, not inside your deck. So, make sure the inner perimeter of your tables is higher about 1/2" than the back wall.
To cut beckerboard you'll need special blade for the circular saw (it says for Hardiplank siding). So, use your 10% coupon and get it along with two boxes of screws (get the one with "square" head, not "phillips"). Buy 1/2" thick beckerboard for countertops. Do not save and try to get floor boards )Wonderboard): they messy, harder to work with and not as tough as "Hardibecker). Start with side walls and overlap top over them. Check to make sure that every plate will have support at all corners. Cut openings for outlets and sink. Run water pipe (or garden hose ) thru deck before covering frame with sheets. This is how it looked like upon completion.
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